How to introduce Sustainable Eating For Women : Free Coaching Session 1:1
We will guide in the process to become Eco friendly women considering the different stages in active women lifes (reproductive age, climacteric period, and…
1:1 VIP Private Coaching – Holystic Nutrition Femmes Club
Full access to the Holystic Nutrition Femmes Club, 10 weeks program. Voxer personal support (interactive call, most use for coaching) Full access to my…
Holystic Nutrion Femmes Club : Reconnecting your body, mind and soul
I. Mindset Module 1 : Open or introduction Module 2 : Clarity , Why , Nutritional Goals Module 3 : No Diets, yes Freedom…
Mindfulness & Nutrition : Coaching Session 1:1
We will work with the 3 stages: food preparation, serving and eating. Focus on our Mindfulness as the practice of connection to something that…
Happy Munchkins – Bio Living for The Future : Coaching Session for parents
We will teach parents to guide and raise Eco-Conscious children, creating awareness and respecting and protecting our planet including the importance of sustainable and…
Sustainable Eating For Women : Coaching Session 1:1
We will guide in the process to become Eco friendly women considering the different stages in active women lifes (reproductive age, climacteric period, and…
Lose weight, gain health- Your Eco-Friendly Journey: Coaching Session 1:1
We will help you to improve your diet, in a sustainable and Eco-Friendly way for long-term results
Atelier Google Adwords
Vous souhaitez investir dans le marketing digital, et Google Adword pourrait être un des vous leviers de communication.. ? Ce levier marketing complexe nécessite…
Manger Durable: Zero Waste Alimentaire
Je vous propose la construction de votre plan d’alimentation sain et équilibré en mettant en pratique différents tips zéro waste alimentaire à réaliser ensemble…